Preventive and corrective maintenance of machines, equipment and instruments -
of Electrical Resistances
52 (55) 5386-1113

Preventive and corrective maintenance of machines, equipment and instruments

In Polimex we care about our products, is why with the preventive maintenance of our machines, equipment and instruments we increased the useful life, the cost of repairs is reduced, weaknesses in the system are detected between a long list of advantages.

Preventive Maintenance is an activity of scheduled inspections, operating and risk mitigation, adjustments, repairs, analysis, cleaning, calibration, which must be carried out periodically according to a set plan activity. The purpose is to anticipate defects in the initial state and correct to maintain the facility in full operation and optimum efficiency.

The unplanned corrective maintenance because of damage or failure inhibit normal use of an asset , resulting from human or untimely damage of a part , component or structure of the asset this why we have adequate personal to perform the necessary corrections giving the best solution in the shortest time possible.

The corrective maintenance also can be planned, when a regular preventative maintenance determines changing a component, part, or structure of the active to avoid major and costly damage.

Preventive and corrective maintenance of machines, equipment and instruments

Preventive and corrective maintenance of machines, equipment and instruments -

In Polimex we care about our products, is why with the preventive maintenance of our machines, equipment and instruments we increased the useful life, the cost of repairs is reduced, weaknesses in the system are detected between a long list of advantages.

Preventive Maintenance is an activity of scheduled inspections, operating and risk mitigation, adjustments, repairs, analysis, cleaning, calibration, which must be carried out periodically according to a set plan activity. The purpose is to anticipate defects in the initial state and correct to maintain the facility in full operation and optimum efficiency.

The unplanned corrective maintenance because of damage or failure inhibit normal use of an asset , resulting from human or untimely damage of a part , component or structure of the asset this why we have adequate personal to perform the necessary corrections giving the best solution in the shortest time possible.

The corrective maintenance also can be planned, when a regular preventative maintenance determines changing a component, part, or structure of the active to avoid major and costly damage.

of Electrical Resistances
52 (55) 5386-1113