Thermocouples, RTD, temperature sensors, thermowells, extension cords and accessories -
of Electrical Resistances
52 (55) 5386-1113

Thermocouples, RTD, temperature sensors, thermowells, extension cords and accessories

“Temperature sensors currently have big and important industrial applications”.

Almost everyone in the industry processes require strict temperature control and the use of sensors like thermocouples, rtd, thermowells, helps in the automation temperature control because they can implement programs that perform specific actions depending on the temperature has at any given time of the industrial process.

Thermocouples, RTD, temperature sensors, thermowells, extension cords and accessories

Thermocouples, RTD, temperature sensors, thermowells, extension cords and accessories -

“Temperature sensors currently have big and important industrial applications”.

Almost everyone in the industry processes require strict temperature control and the use of sensors like thermocouples, rtd, thermowells, helps in the automation temperature control because they can implement programs that perform specific actions depending on the temperature has at any given time of the industrial process.

of Electrical Resistances
52 (55) 5386-1113